Sunday, 26 February 2017


The VI-Convocation of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) is likely to be held in the month of April/May-2017 (Actual date will be notified later).  The candidates who are qualified for the award of Degree during the academic years 2014-15 & 2015-16 and P.G. Degree completed between 01/08/2014 and 10/03/2017 (i.e., on or before 10/03/2017) are hereby informed to visit the Convocation Registration Portal and submit the application through online mode during 27/02/2017 and 17/03/2017. 

The application fee is Rs. 600/- and has to be paid through online mode only.  Those who have already applied for the degree in the Pre-convocation mode need not apply.  For more details refer the above mentioned Registration Portal.  Helpline desk is also available at the Student Service Section (Ground floor) of the Examination Building of JNTUH (helpline No. 040-32431611) during 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM on all working days.
The Degree Certificates of all the Bachelor Degree Courses, Master Degree Courses, M.S. & M. Phil. degrees will be sent only by registered post to the individuals to the address given in their online application.  Only Gold medal recipients and Ph.D. degree scholars can attend the Convocation.  The provisional list of Gold medal recipients for academic years 2014-15 & 2015-16 will be placed in the JNTUH website ( on 28/02/2017.

For Detailed instructions/guidelines visit my previous post “Procedure for JNTUOD

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

2nd mid term examination Time Table of 2nd, 3rd, & 4th B.Tech / B.Pharmacy I Semester, November 2014

The II Mid Term Examinations for II, III & IV year B.Tech / B.Pharmacy I Semester will commence from 17.11.2014 onwards. The detailed Time Tables are attached here for your information.

Time Table Zip

Sd/- AD

Saturday, 18 October 2014

B.Tech / B Pharmacy External Exam Time Tables, December 2014

The External Examination of B.Tech / B.Pharmcy I Semester Regular and I year & II semester supplementary examinations Time Tables are attached here. II, III & IV Year B.Tech I Semester Regular exams will commence from 01.12.2014 to 13.12.2014 and II semester / I year supplementary exams will commence from 15.12.2014 to 27.12.2014.

Some of the Important Instructions to the Students while writing external exams:- 
1. Candidates should keep their hall tickets everyday. They should bring with them the identity card issued by the college and should be presented for inspection whenever demanded. Otherwise they are liable to be sent out of the examination hall.
2. The Main answer books will be distributed as per the Serial Number printed on the title page. Students must fill and verify every information on the title page and affix their signature at the appropriate place.  They should read the instructions given over there
3. If there is any discrepancy in the information printed on the title page, the student should immediately report the matter to the concerned invigilators.
4. Candidates should sign the nominal rolls sheet and enter the Main answer script number
5. Candidates should not write their Names on the main answer script. Candidates should not write their Name or Hall Ticket No anywhere.
6.  Candidates should not address the examiner in any manner, whatsoever, in their answer books.
7.  Candidates have to write the correct number and sub number of the question they answer.
8. Candidates should not possess any slip or any extraneous material. Candidates should not copy. Candidates should not communicate with other students in the examination hall.
9.  Candidates should not write any religious or other symbols, which can be, interpreted as an indication to identify their papers.
10.  Candidates must handover the answer book to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.

B.Tech TT,  B.Pharmacy TT

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

B.Pharmacy Exam Notification for Nov / Dec 2014.

The University Examination Branch issues notification for the conduct of B.Pharm examinations (Regular and Suppl.) during Nov/Dec 2014.

This notification is issued for the conduct of following examinations:-
I B.Pharm. (R13) Supplementary
I B.Pharm. (R09) Supplementary
I B.Pharm. (R07) Supplementary
I B.Pharm. (NR) Supplementary
II B.Pharm. – I Sem. (R13) –Regular
II B.Pharm. – I Sem. (R09) – Supplementary
II B.Pharm. – I Sem. (R07) – Supplementary
II B.Pharm. – I Sem. (NR) – Supplementary
II B.Pharm. – II Sem. (R09) – Supplementary
II B.Pharm. – II Sem. (R07) – Supplementary
III B.Pharm. – I Sem. (R09)–Regular& Supplementary
III B.Pharm. – I Sem. (R07) – Supplementary
III B.Pharm. – I Sem. (NR) – Supplementary
III B.Pharm. – II Sem. (R09) – Supplementary
III B.Pharm. – II Sem. (R07) – Supplementary
III B.Pharm. – II Sem. (NR) – Supplementary
IVB.Pharm.– I Sem. (R09) – Regular& Supplementary
IVB.Pharm.– I Sem. (R07) – Supplementary
IV B.Pharm. – I Sem. (NR) – Supplementary

The last date for payment of examination fee and online registration schedules is given below:

Exam Registration Without Late Fee - 16-09-2014
Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.100/- 30-09-2014
Exam Registration With Late Fee of Rs.1000/- 07-10-2014

Detailed Notification is attached here : -   Notification B.Pharmacy

Monday, 25 August 2014

I Mid Term Examination Time Tables of B.Tech / B.Pharmacy - Sept 2014

All the B.Tech / B.Pharmacy students are here by informed that the I semester B.Tech / B Pharmacy 1st mid term examinations are scheduled from 01.09.2014. Detailed Time Tables are attached here.

II & IV year B.Tech / B.Pharmacy exams on 1st, 2nd & 3rd September 2014

III year B.Tech / B.Pharmacy exams on 4th, 6th, 8th September 2014

Time Table Zip file


Thursday, 14 August 2014

JNTUH exams scheduled on 18 & 19th August 2014 are postponed

The University examinations B.Tech (CCC), MBA (CCC) & M.Tech scheduled on 18.08.2014 and 19.08.2014 are postponed in view of the Samagra Kutumba Survey 2014. The revised dates of examinaitons will be announced later. howwer the examinations from 20.08.2014 will be conducted as per schedule announced earlier.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

MCA external examination time tables, sept/oct 2014

The MCA II & IV Semester Regular and I, III & V semester supplementary examinations are commencing from 01.09.2014 and 22.09.2014 respectively. The following examination Time Tables of MCA course are attached hereunder.

MCA-I Semester R13, R09, R06 Supplementary Examinations September 2014
MCA-II Semester R13, R09, R06 Regular-Supplementary Examinations September 2014
MCA - III Semester R09, R06 Regulation- Supplementary Examinations September/October 2014
MCA - IV Semester R09, R06 Regulation- Regular-Supplementary Examinations September/October 2014
MCA - V Semester R09, R06 Regulation- Supplementary Examinations September/October 2014

MBA External Exam Time Tables, Sept 2014

The MBA II & IV Semester Regular and I & III semester supplementary examinations are commencing from 01.09.2014 and 22.09.2014 respectively. The following examination Time Tables of MBA course are attached hereunder.

1. MBA-I semester R13,R09,R07 supplementary examinations september 2014
2. MBA-II semester R13,R09,R07 regular-supplementary examinations september 2014
3. MBA - III semester R09,R07 regulation- supplementary examinations september/october 2014
4. MBA - IV semester R09,R07 regulation- regular-supplementary examinations september 2014

Thursday, 17 July 2014

V Convocation Notification for JNTUH

The V Convocation of the JNT University, Hyderabad is likely to be held in the of August / September 2014. for the academic year 2012-2013 students Convocation was completed and certificates issued already. If any candidate not applied earlier may also apply now.

For the academic year 2013-2014, those who have passed during the 16.02.2014 - 31.07.2014 are eligible to apply for convocation and they are requested to visit the convocation registration portal and submit application thorough online mode on or before 01.08.2014.

The regular students need not to pay the application fee Rs.600/- as they already paid during their IV year II semester examination fee, but the online registration is mandatory.

A helpine desk is made available at the student service section of the examiantion branch of JNTUH. In case any candidate needs further clarification  or help, he/she may contact the helpline desk 040.32517275 during 10.30 AM to 5.00 PM Monday  to Saturday.

For more details see my previous posts Detailed procedure for applying Original Degree

Friday, 21 March 2014

B.Tech / B.Pharmacy External Exam (Theory) Time Tables, April 2014

The end examinations of II semester B.Tech, B.Pharmacy Regular will be held in April - June 2014. The detailed Provisional Time Tables are attached here for information. If any classes in the Time Tables may kindly brought to the notice of concerned Principal.

B.Tech Time Table

B.Pharmacy Time Table

B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2nd Mid Term Exam Time Table, April 2014

The II mid term examinations of JNTUH II, III & IV year B.Tech / B.Pharmacy II semester are commencing in the following dates.

II & IV year B.Tech / B.Pharm :- 07th, 09th & 10th April 2014
III year B.Tech / B.Pharm :- 11th , 15th & 16th April 2014

Syllabus:- The question paper will cover the syllabus of 4th Unit to 8th unit for subjective & objective exam

The above examinations will be conducted in two (FN/AN) sessions with the timings 10.00 AM TO 11.30 AM:: 2.00 PM TO 03.30 PM. The detailed Time Tables are attached here


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

B.Tech / B.Pharmacy Exam Notification for April - June 2014

Are you looking JNTU Hyderabad Examinations notification, JNTU has issued the notification for the following examinations of Regular / supplementary commencing in  April – May 2014.  I am furnishing the detailed notification of 1st , 2nd , 3rd & 4th yr B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 2nd semester regular and 1st semester supplementary exams.

Friday, 28 February 2014

I year B.Tech/B.Pharmacy 2nd mid examinations objective papers & keys, Feb 2014

The I year B.Tech / B.Pharmacy (13-Batch) 2nd mid examinations are conducted on 24th, 25th & 26th February 2014 for all the courses / branches in 2 sessions. Detailed day wise / session wise question papers and Objective keys for B.Tech / B.Pharmacy is attached here.

B.Tech Quiz papers & Keys

B.Pharmacy Quiz papers & Keys

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

How to get / apply duplicate marks memos / consolidated marks memo under JNTUH

Are you looking for the procedure to obtain duplicate marks memos / consolidated marks memos of B.Tech, B.Pharmacy, M.Tech., MBA., MCA., D.Pharmacy regular and B.Tech, Bpharmacy,M.Tech,MCA,MBA CCC courses of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. The following is the detailed process for applying the duplicate marks memos.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

II, III & IV Yr B.Tech/B.Pharmacy Objective papers & keys, Feb 2014

The 2nd, 3rd & 4th Year B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 1st mid term examinations are commenced from 10.02.2014 to 17.02.2014 for all the branches / courses. The Objective question papers and keys attached here.

B.Tech Objective Question Papers
B.Tech Objective Keys

B.Pharmacy Objective Question Papers
B.Pharmacy Objective Keys

Friday, 31 January 2014

JNTUH V Convocation Notification, Feb 2014

5th convocation of the JNT University Hyderabad  is likely to be held in the month of March (actual date will be notified in The students who are qualified for the award of Degree / Diploma during the academic year 2012-2013 i.e., whose PC issued date is on or before February 15, 2014 can register in online mode for their convocation / OD on on or before 28.02.2014. Detailed notification is attached here.

For Detailed instructions/guidelines visit my previous post “Procedure for JNTUOD