Saturday, 18 October 2014

B.Tech / B Pharmacy External Exam Time Tables, December 2014

The External Examination of B.Tech / B.Pharmcy I Semester Regular and I year & II semester supplementary examinations Time Tables are attached here. II, III & IV Year B.Tech I Semester Regular exams will commence from 01.12.2014 to 13.12.2014 and II semester / I year supplementary exams will commence from 15.12.2014 to 27.12.2014.

Some of the Important Instructions to the Students while writing external exams:- 
1. Candidates should keep their hall tickets everyday. They should bring with them the identity card issued by the college and should be presented for inspection whenever demanded. Otherwise they are liable to be sent out of the examination hall.
2. The Main answer books will be distributed as per the Serial Number printed on the title page. Students must fill and verify every information on the title page and affix their signature at the appropriate place.  They should read the instructions given over there
3. If there is any discrepancy in the information printed on the title page, the student should immediately report the matter to the concerned invigilators.
4. Candidates should sign the nominal rolls sheet and enter the Main answer script number
5. Candidates should not write their Names on the main answer script. Candidates should not write their Name or Hall Ticket No anywhere.
6.  Candidates should not address the examiner in any manner, whatsoever, in their answer books.
7.  Candidates have to write the correct number and sub number of the question they answer.
8. Candidates should not possess any slip or any extraneous material. Candidates should not copy. Candidates should not communicate with other students in the examination hall.
9.  Candidates should not write any religious or other symbols, which can be, interpreted as an indication to identify their papers.
10.  Candidates must handover the answer book to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.

B.Tech TT,  B.Pharmacy TT

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